Do You Know These Health Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea?

Most people first drank tea previously; it is only recently many have realized the health benefits of brewing green tea. The question of why people should drink greentea is well answered by the fact that this tea that is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant is very rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols and tea flavonoids known as catechins. These antioxidants play a vital role in fighting free radicals or neutralizing them; radicals that could alter or even kill the cells in the body and cause premature aging, cancer and other diseases.

It is first significant to note that one of the health benefits of greentea is that it protects one against diabetes. A study that was conducted on Japanese adults showed that those that drank 6 cups of greentea a day had a much lower chance of getting Type 2 diabetes than those that drank one cup of it or did not drink greentea at all. It is also significant to note that drinking green tea lowered the blood sugar levels in those that had borderline diabetes.

It is true that you need to drink greentea daily if you want to protect your skin; drinking greentea or placing tea bags of greentea over the skin helped to protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. This is due to the extract epigallocatechin gallate that is present in greentea and helps prevent skin cancer. It is still more significant to note that human skin tumors that were treated with this extract disappeared or shrunk soon.

Drink greentea daily. It helps to not only lose weight, but to maintain it also; this is found significantly by consuming it over a period of time. Many studies prove this fact as green tea is that super food which when taken with a healthy diet helps to lose weight as it possesses the property to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

Considered as a corollary to weight maintenance greentea helps to lower cholesterol; a report stated that male smokers that took greentea capsules for 12 weeks along with a low saturated fat diet showed considerable fall in their harmful LDL cholesterol levels.

Realize the health benefits of greentea in that it helps improve bone health; it is useful in preventing osteoporosis, where the bones become brittle and fragile as a person ages. A study contained in the Journal Nutrition Research stated that those that drank greentea in the age group of 65 to 75 years had 5% higher bone density than those that did not drink this brewed drink.

Guard yourself against cancer with drinking greentea regularly. Many studies have shown that it is true of protection to many types of cancer, mainly that of the ovary, bladder and esophageal. It has also been found to prevent certain other cancers or reduce the risk; colorectal cancers and prostate cancer.

Lastly prevent heart attack with greentea; the incidence of heart attack came down by about 11%. Also greentea has proved to be very useful in preventing coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis or buildup of fatty material along the inner walls of arteries.

So are you convinced to drink green tea daily?

Green Data Center: A green way for data storage

You could be wondering about the green data center definition. It means data storage for systems designed for enhancing energy efficiency. Additionally, these data centers also aid in lowering down the environmental impact. Firstly, we must know about data storage. Data storage refers to saving data in a storage medium. Green data centers take the help of modern technology for different purposes like the storage and management of information.

Why green technology is gaining traction?
The effects of new storage requirements would increase, as new retention norms necessitate reliable, simply accessible backups. All this new information needs different features such as security, coolness, and transmission efficiency.

Furthermore, advancements in data centers can also mean increasing physical space for new racks and other devices – all of which require cool and security.

Features of Green Data Center 1. Free air cooling
Free air cooling systems make use of outdoor air rather than regular data-center computer room air conditioner (CRAC) units. On the other hand, outdoor air still needs to be filtered and moisturized; a very low amount of energy is needed to cool a data center with this method. Outdoor air temperature is a big issue, and the data center’s location has a crucial role to play in this technology.

2. Modular data centers
A modular data center means a portable data center. It can be installed at any place where we need the appropriate amount of data capacity. As compared to the regular data centers, they are made for rapid installation, energy efficiency, and high density. Likewise, these artificial data centers in a box have gained high traction.

3. Low-power servers
Low-power servers mean more energy-effective than conventional servers in data centers. They utilize the technology of smartphone computing, which tried to neutralize performance with energy consumption.

If utilized correctly, low-power servers could be more effective in comparison to traditional servers. They can considerably influence the efficiency of the data center; cut down the power consumption and the operating price of cooling units.

Major Benefits of Green Datacenter 1. Reduced Environmental Impact
The green or sustainable data centers help in reducing energy consumption and have a low impact on the environment as compared to the regular ones. The new equipment uses the latest technologies in order to save energy and can be deployed in sustainable data centers with ease.

Therefore, this implementation contributes to decreasing carbon footprints and negative effects on the environment.

2. Advanced Storage Experience
The BFSI sector and other industrial sectors have observed huge development in data in the last few years. The massive development in data supports the enterprises to get a sustainable and virtual data center. These data centers are highly advanced and more cost-efficient as compared to regular data centers with an aim to fulfill the ever-increasing data needs of a company.

Secondly, virtual data centers offer advanced data storage capabilities no matter what the business model and size.

3. Reduced Capital Expenditure
The regular data center gives some storage space as per the requirements of the customer company. After some time, as the requirement improves, the data center gives extra space naturally.

As per the study, approximately a fifth of all servers is unutilized considerably due to this reason. Therefore, these servers take power and other resources with an aim to increase capital expenditure. The green data centers can switch these servers off and cut down the energy consumption and cost.

4. Consumed Low amount of energy
The virtual data center has improved the efficiency in energy consumption. Virtualization empowers the IT staff to monitor and manage the equipment remotely. It helps the data center management to keep up the ideal temperature along with minimal lighting.

In addition, even a low spur in the temperature can cut down the energy cost substantially, and the virtual data center assists the operators to keep the temperature for consuming less amount of energy.

Green data center is comparatively a new thing. This is the latest innovation that helps in cutting down the power or energy in data centers and computer units. By implementing the method of virtualization to decreasing the number of servers, it is feasible to provide the maximum advantage of Data Center Corporation.

The development of the global green data center market would witness bright prospects due to the supportive government activities to cut down the environmental impact of the data centers. However, the green data center market observed a decline growth rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

IT companies majorly use the green data centers in order to lower down the environmental impact by determining, scheduling, and installing initiatives across the data center ecosystem.

A green data center has the same kinds of functionalities and abilities as compared to a regular data center. Even though, this takes less amount of energy and space as these green data centers are more eco-friendly.

Revealing the Details of Changes in Spike Proteins of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Mutant Strains

The interesting SARS-CoV-2 omicron mutant strain evades immunity mediated by antibodies from vaccination or infection with early mutants due to the accumulation of a large number of spike mutations. Recently, in a research report titled “Structural basis of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron immune evasion and receptor engagement” published in Science, scientists from institutions such as the University of Washington have determined the precise structural changes on the spike protein of the Omicron mutant strain through research, and the researchers’ observations may help explain how the virus evades antibodies against previous mutants and can still remain highly infectious.

Researcher David Veesler said the findings in this study provide a blueprint that may help researchers design new strategies, whether vaccines or treatments, to deal with the potential emergence of mutant strains of Omicron and other coronaviruses. The Omicron mutant strain was first discovered in South Africa in November 2021, and its infection and transmission worldwide are currently expanding. In addition to being highly infectious, the mutant can also evade antibodies against other mutant strains at an early stage, which may lead to breakthrough infections in individuals who have been vaccinated or have been previously infected.

The infectivity of the Omicron mutant strain is thought to be at least partially due to a large number of mutations in the amino acid sequence on the viral spike protein, which can be used to lock and enter the cells it infects, and the spike protein of the Omicron mutant strain has 37 mutations, which makes it different from the first SARS-CoV-2 isolates in 2020. Previous researchers Veesler and colleagues found that antibodies produced by the six most commonly used vaccines and all but one of the monoclonal antibodies currently used to treat infections had the ability to reduce or abolish Omicron mutant strains.

However, many mutations in the mutant strain can affect the structure of the region responsible for adsorbing and entering the spike protein of the host cell, which is called the receptor-binding domain. Many researchers predict that the change in the structure of the receptor-binding domain may damage the ability of the mutant strain to enter the cellular target, which is the protein called angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2). However, in this study, researchers Veesler and colleagues found that this change actually increases the ability of the receptor-binding domain to bind to ACE2 by 2.4-fold.

In order to understand why Omicron mutant strains accumulate so many mutations when retaining effective interaction with the host receptor ACE2, the researchers used cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography to unveil the 3-D organization of the spike protein of Omicron mutant strains, which may achieve a resolution of about 3 Å. At this resolution, the researchers may dissect the shape of the single amino acid and basic components that make up the spike protein. In addition, the researchers revealed how the structural changes of the spike protein affect the ability of antibodies that effectively protect against previous strains to bind to Omicron mutant strains. Using this technology, the researchers reveal how mutations change the way proteins interact with antibodies, which reduces the ability of almost all monoclonal antibodies against the mutant strain, and at the same time, the ability of spike receptor-binding domains to bind to ACE2 is also enhanced, and the resulting overall effect allows the receptor-binding domains to have the potential to evade targeted antibodies and bind more tightly to ACE2.

The researchers say the viruses have incredible plasticity, can change a lot, and still maintain all the functions needed for their infection and replication, and can ensure that the Omicron mutant strain is not the last mutant strain seen by scientists. In the future, researchers aim to study and identify other regions on spike proteins that may not be changed without causing the protein to lose its function, and due to the importance, these regions tend to remain conserved even if other parts of the protein are mutated.

Therefore, this conserved region of the viral protein is likely to remain unchanged in the presence of new mutant strains, and these regions may become ideal targets for novel vaccines and therapeutic means, and these vaccines or therapeutic strategies may not only be effective against new mutant strains, but also remain effective against new sarbecoviruses. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the researchers provide a blueprint that may help understand that a significant decrease in the binding level of other therapeutic monoclonal antibodies can lead to a weakening of neutralizing activity; the remodeling of the interaction between the receptor-binding domain of Omicron mutant strains and human ACE2 may help explain the results of the enhanced affinity of host receptors relative to ancestral viruses.